How To Get Into Fishing

How To Get Into Fishing

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I am fairly new to fishing and I have found that many resources go too fast with the information or the information is too basic. I want to bridge that gap and share a few tips from everything I have learned in the past ten months.

1. Decide what kind of fish. This is an important factor. Different fish need different bate, a certain rod, different lures, they are found in different locations, it might be better to fish at a certain time of day, or even a certain season might be better.
2. Electronic scouting. This is important because you will need to know where you can fish. You do not want to trespass on private property.
3. Go to your local sportsman shop. You do not want to go to a generic store like WalMart. The people at your local shops will actually know what they are talking about from their own experience. Ask them any questions you may have and find out what advice they have to give from their years of experience.
4. Hire a guide or go out with a friend. You will learn at a faster pace by doing this. Hiring a guide might be the more expensive option, but you will learn a vast amount in a fraction of the time.
5. Get on social media and learn. Use Youtube to your advantage. Get involved with a Facebook group and learn from others. The options for learning are endless.

If you can think of anything I have missed, please comment below and add to the conversation. I would love the input. Let’s support each other.

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