Big Tackle Rod Busting SLAMMER BLUEFISH - Saltwater Fly Fishing & Bob's Banger Blues

Big Tackle Rod Busting SLAMMER BLUEFISH - Saltwater Fly Fishing & Bob's Banger Blues

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Big Tackle Rod Busting SLAMMER BLUEFISH - Saltwater Fly Fishing & Bob's Banger Blues. Beautiful perfect clear day. Slight crosswind to the casting side. Had the water to myself. A clear half mile on both sides, I decided to "break" the fly rod out. Just perfect. First cast in, a crazy bluefish took about a half dozen swipes at my fly. Second cast in, bluefish on. Third cast dropped a blue. It went as such about a half dozen times. Fish on, fish off, fish swipe. Pick your order. Time melted. Nailed a big slammer blue. Over anxious to get him in I held the rod up towards the stripper guide, and felt a hard lunge. Crack! I maintained control of the line and landed the fish. I guess in the words of old Ray I said to myself, "that's how she goes." The I said to myself this is great. I was happy. Don't get me wrong. I would have rather lose a dozen banger flies. I would have loved to have at another dozen big slammer blues on the fly. I know I will. Just not this day. I must be getting younger.