FINDING THE RAREST TROUT ON EARTH! (Fly Fishing) || California Gold Pt 5 (Paiute Cutthroat)

FINDING THE RAREST TROUT ON EARTH! (Fly Fishing) || California Gold Pt 5 (Paiute Cutthroat)

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Publish Date:
10 September, 2023
Fly Fishing
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Fly Fishing California for the Paiute Cutthroat Trout!

The paiute cutthroat trout is known as the rarest trout on earth, and for good reason. With less than 2000 adults estimated to be alive in the wild, the Paiute cutthroat was nearly extinct before it was even discovered. They are a subspecies of the Lahontan Cutthroat and are only native to around 11 miles of Silver King Creek nestled in the mountains of California. They’re currently listed as a threatened species under the endangered species act and it’s even illegal to fish for them in their native range… which is why finding one of these fish is no easy task. With their spotless, iridescent bodies and purplish hue they are one of the most unique looking trout on earth.

The Paiute cutthroat would be lost to history if not for a group of shepherds who transplanted a handful of fish above a set of falls in 1912. Not too long after non-native trout were introduced to Paiute’s native range, and the fish that had lived there for thousands of years slowly hybridized and vanished. With the only surviving population of Paiute Cutthroat sitting in a small stream above a set of falls, the fish was prone to extinction… which is why the California fish and game transplanted some of the Paiute cutthroat to other fish-less waters outside of their native range. This is a huge reason the fish even exists today and also the only reason you can legally catch one.

It is believed that the Paiute Cutthroat Trout evolved from a small population of Lahontan Cutthroat trout that became isolated in Silver King Creek sometime during the last ice age. Over time the fish have evolved separately from any other trout giving them a very unique appearance but also making them prone to hybridization. They also have no natural predators… so catching them isn’t all that difficult, as you can tell by watching this video. as we moved up the stream the fishing continued to be outstanding, with several larger fish hitting the net.

Luckily for the Paiute Cutthroat their story does not have an unhappy ending. In fact in September of 2019 they were re-introduced to their native range on Silver King Creek, between a steep gorge section near Snodgrass Creek upstream to Llewellyn Falls. With nearly 11 miles of extra habitat that the fish are now able to inhabit, they are well on their way to recovery and monitored every year. Hopefully before too long their native range will be open to the public to once again catch one of these rare beauties.

I hope you enjoyed the video! Thanks for watching another California adventure. #trout #troutfishing #flyfishing #fishing #outdoors