22:56Cooking FishThis Stump Field Was LOADED with GIANT SLABS! -- CATCH and COOK Southern Style (Jigs & Bobbers)23 March, 2025865,495
34:12Cooking FishMost Valuable Fish I Ever Caught | Alabama Catch & Cook Adventure Day 211 May, 202439,901
11:54Lake FishingFishing For Crappie, Bass, and Trout All in ONE LAKE! (Early Spring)11 March, 20242,440
26:50Cooking FishThis GIANT SPILLWAY Was ON FIRE, but She Wanted To FIGHT...... (CATCH, CLEAN, COOK!)28 December, 202327,557
22:56Cooking FishThis Stump Field Was LOADED with GIANT SLABS! -- CATCH and COOK Southern Style (Jigs & Bobbers)28 November, 202368,906
29:25Lake Fishing"Catch loads of Crappie fishing with a beetle spin and live minnow"22 April, 20232,303
14:18Lake FishingJIG AND BOBBER CREEK CRAPPIE. Fishing with KidKrappie [ East Texas ]27 January, 20233,991
10:00Lake FishingGranger Lake Crappie Fishing! JIG Fishing For Crappie, on the River! In Austin Texas!9 January, 2023787
9:32Lake FishingHow to Catch Crappie in the Summer - Lake Fishing Tips, Secrets9 September, 2022287,627
25:38Lake FishingTips for Catching Giant Crappie on Lake Badin,Catching crappie ,Lake fishing tips for crappie2 September, 20226,680