22:56Cooking FishThis Stump Field Was LOADED with GIANT SLABS! -- CATCH and COOK Southern Style (Jigs & Bobbers)23 March, 2025865,495
20:57Cooking FishThis GIANT SPILLWAY was STACKED and the Slab Queen SMOKED THEM! (*CATCH and COOK* Easy Fish Tacos!20 March, 202429,500
26:50Cooking FishThis GIANT SPILLWAY Was ON FIRE, but She Wanted To FIGHT...... (CATCH, CLEAN, COOK!)28 December, 202327,557
30:25Ocean FishingThis GIANT BRIDGE Was STACKED with the Ocean’s TASTIEST FISH! — CATCH and COOK Sheepshead!!!15 December, 20238,853
30:25Cooking FishThis GIANT BRIDGE Was STACKED with the Ocean’s TASTIEST FISH! — CATCH and COOK Sheepshead!!!14 December, 20235,852
22:56Cooking FishThis Stump Field Was LOADED with GIANT SLABS! -- CATCH and COOK Southern Style (Jigs & Bobbers)28 November, 202368,906
25:36Cooking FishThe SWAMP Was LOADED with BIG BLUEGILL and REDEAR!!!! *CATCH CLEAN COOK* Delicious Whole Fried Fish!11 October, 202245,506
24:19Cooking FishWe FOUND The RIVER MONSTERS Hiding Beneath This GIANT SPILLWAY! (Catch, Clean & Cook!)16 September, 2022242,337