Minnow Trapping Catch and Cook! Eating our bait…

Minnow Trapping Catch and Cook! Eating our bait…

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This is a first for me! Captain Brody, and myself go on a little trapping mission with a couple other lake superior captains to trap and eat some smelt. Hope y'all enjoy. Like and subscribe for more! love yall. #minnows #trapping #catchandcook #duluth #fishing #fishnmore

Book a trip on lake superior with Caption Brody! ***(218)-428-8533***

NEW FISHNMORE MERCH!!! https://shopfishnmore.com

FISHNMORE Minnows- https://www.eurotackle.net/collections/micro-finesse/products/fmn-minnow-1-5

All Business: [email protected]

Snapchat- https://t.snapchat.com/Fl2zHsyd
FishNmore Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/fishnmore_outdoors/
FishNmore Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Fishnmore69
Murda’s Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/murdaonthegram/
Murda's TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@murdaonthetok?lang=en

Eurotackle- https://www.eurotackle.net Use code fishnmore

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