247. 3 Simple Trout Flies That Catch FISH - Fly Fishing UK

247. 3 Simple Trout Flies That Catch FISH - Fly Fishing UK

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Publish Date:
15 July, 2024
Fly Fishing
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Fly Fishing with 3 simple to fish trout flies, olive leeches, beaded spiders and foam head emergers, trout fly patterns that work at locations like pennine trout fishery in Lancashire and ryburn dam, home of rippoden fly fishers in Yorkshire. These flies will help you catch and net stocked stillwater fish such as rainbow trout, blue trout and wild brown trout. This video will explain how simple they are to fish and the types of fly lines and leader lengths required, but most importantly the style and speed of the retrieve, which in most cases will help the trout hook itself, thus helping you net more fish. 247. 3 Simple Trout Flies That Catch FISH - Fly Fishing UK (C) MD Fly Fishing UK #fishing #flyfishing #fish #trout #troutfishing

Facebook Page; Pennine Trout Fishery https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057203810410&locale=en_GB

Trout Flies Used Sales: https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?item=256421547528&rt=nc&_ssn=mdflyfishinguk&_dmd=2

Ripponden Fly Fishing Club: https://www.rippondenflyfishers.co.uk/