Making Simple Soft Plastic Worm, Fishing Lures

Making Simple Soft Plastic Worm, Fishing Lures

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Publish Date:
15 January, 2023
How to Make Lures
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Making soft plastic worms from the modelling process through creating a single sided silicone mold and pouring the final worms in soft plastic. With a touch of perch fishing thrown in.

Making Soft Plastic Worm Fishing Lures
Tools and Materials List
Making the Master
Super Sculpey Polymer Clay Art and Craft Shops
Fimo, Polymer Clay as alternative
Flat ceramic tile for baking
100-300grit sand paper stuck to flat board
Cotton cloth to polish the cured polymer clay
Texturing Board
Small piece of thin hardboard/plywood
Lined paper
20-50lb Monofilament Fishing Line
Stanley or heavy craft knife
Spray Adhesive or general purpose glue

Making The Mold
Super glue either gel or thin
A stick for spreading the above
A piece of flat glass from a small picture frame
Enough Lego to build a mould box
Plastercine or modelling clay
RTV Silicone For Making the mould
The product I used in this video was Polycraft GP-3481-F RTV Silicone which is a two part kit of
silicone and catalyst which sets the silicone. There is a huge range of mould making silicones out
there with different properties; often the companies that supply soft plastics for making the lures
will stock a RTV silicone to suit the home user making things easy. If this is not the case then the
main properties I would look for in a silicone is that it is 1.)condensation cure rather than addition
which is more expensive and reacts with lots of other materials. 2.) It can be hand mixed and hand
poured and does not require vacuum degassing. 3.) it has moderate flexibility when cured so the
master can be easily removed.
The most important part of any RTV two part kit is the instructions; I would not like to guess the
amount time I have wasted because I had failed to read the instruction properly.
Polycraft GP-3481-F RTV Silcone Silicone mould material Ebay/Amazon
Soft Plastics (plasitsol)
Soft plastics require some health and safety considerations especially if like me you are planning to
cook them up at home. Again following the maker’s instructions is vital. As a rule I use a respirator,
gloves and cover up arms and legs; this may seem over the top but I like my arms, legs and lungs. If
the weather is fine I cook up outside. Most soft plastic can be heated in a microwave or on a hob in a
pan. Most Manufacturers recommend that you do not use a microwave that you will be using for
food preparation, I bought a separate microwave for this which cost me £30 brand new from a
ASDA/Wallmart . Again refer to the instruction for heating times.
Lure Factors Liquid plastic soft available Online from Lure Factors UK
Liquid plastic colours “ “
Lure Lube
Microwave oven or pan and Hob
Heat Proof Jug
Heat proof stirrer (not wood)
Alternative suplliers UK and Europe Lureparts NL
Make lure (Alumilite)