Making soft plastic sand eel swimbaits

Making soft plastic sand eel swimbaits

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Publish Date:
29 January, 2024
How to Make Lures
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making soft plastic fishing lures need not be a very complicated affair and the best ones tend to be the simplest. I recently made a eel jig head out of biro lid and thought it could do with some homemade paddle tail rear ends to go with it and there is nothing like spending a hour or so making a master and mold that can be used to produce enough lures to fill a tackle box for a few seasons.

Tools and materials

Scupley polymer clay , this cooks in your standard kitchen oven at about 130c for about fifteen minutes to harden up, available for craft stores or online or steal it from your children as i did. Amazon link

wet and dry sandpaper 180-1000 to clean in up

cotton polishing mop and dremmel or rotary tool to get a smooth surface

double sided tape to hold onto a flat surface

plastic sheet and glue gun for mold box

General purpose rtv silicone, this can be bought from amazon or eBay or even craft shops. I used polytek gp3481 fast cure silicone from MB fiberglass Amazon link

For the soft plastic I re-melted a mix of soft plastic worms and other things which worked but came out a little more stiff than i would like . Virgin plastisol can bought from a range of companies. I normal used Lurefactors who are in the uk

Microwave oven, glass jug, gloves and ventilation