High Rock Lake Bass Fishing, 4 Fish for 19lbs...DQ'd?

High Rock Lake Bass Fishing, 4 Fish for 19lbs...DQ'd?

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In this episode I was invited to fish at High Rock Lake with my buddy Chris on his boat. We were fishing in his club tournament which had about 15-20 boats. It was a really cold morning and the lake was really muddy in some areas and the perfect amount of stain in others. We spent the first half of the day throwing mostly moving baits in the muddier water thinking that they would be pulled up really shallow and chasing due to the wind. We were very wrong. Chris got a bite early on a creature bait under a dock but that was our only fish for about the first 4 hours of the day.

We made a big move to one of my favorite areas and Chris picked up a shaky head and for some reason they wanted to bite it. I think if we would have continued to fish the conditions all day we would have only had one fish in the boat all day. The weather during the week leading up to the event was really cold but very sunny…still scratching my head about that one.

We ended up with 4 fish weighing over 19lbs but we also missed check-in so none of them counted…oops. Just a quick work of advice, always double check weigh in time….it was about a $600 mistake for us….Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the video.

Thank you for watching and supporting my love for kayak bass fishing!
-Hambone Fishing

check out my Instagram: @hambone021