We're starting a new series today that we are calling Under The Water! This is ep 1 and we will be featuring Lake Fork fall bass fishing with catches on chatter baits, traps, and whopper poppers. We are going to review the catch footage along with you as you watch and break down what is going on under the water that leads to the good decisions we made to get these catches! Thanks for watching!
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Fish Lyfe App, Web Based Version for all device types including iPhones- https://www.fishlyfe.net/
Book a guided trip at- https://www.yourlakeforkguide.com/
Be sure to enter the code yourlakeforkguide for a 10% discount on . https://6thsensefishing.com/
Waterland Eyewear, enter the code yourlakeforkguide for a 10% discount- https://www.waterlandco.com
Smashtech Custom Baits- https://smashtechbaits.com/
Striker Raingear- https://strikerbrands.com/collections/adrenaline
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