Minnesota Fishing Opener 2023 (MILLE LACS LAKE)

Minnesota Fishing Opener 2023 (MILLE LACS LAKE)

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Fishing opener!! Finally walleye season here in Minnesota so we headed out to Mille Lacs. Fishing this lake in the past has always been good but the last couple years seems like the fish are just not there like they used to be. This year we had to deal with heavy winds so forced us to fish the other side of the lake. We don't normally fish this side but we ended up getting a few fish. Casting swim baits for shallow water walleyes is my favorite way to get them. With that when fishing in 6-9 feet of water it makes it tough when there is so many boats driving over the fish all day. We stayed away as much as we could and put a decent amount of fish in the boat. Hopefully everyone got out a got some fish. Stay tuned for a lot more walleye fishing coming.
Thanks for watching

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