Our first WIN!!!!

Our first WIN!!!!

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We got our first WIN!!!!

This was our last tournament for the year with the Chippewa Valley Bass Attack. On a lake that we are pretty familiar with. We have always done well on this lake but this one was special!

It was one of those days were every decision we made was the right one. Every keeper we caught was the right one. There is nothing truer in the sport of tournament bass fishing that when it's your time it's our time.

We ended up with a five fish limit for 17.06lbs. Our biggest five fish limit so far in a tournament and the second biggest bag I've ever heard of on this lake.

If you wan to hear a recap of our day check out the @tackleandtacos podcast. We sat down with Lola, Jordan and Nate the day after the tournament and recapped it all. You can find them on all the major podcast platforms!

As always. Thanks for watching!

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